Rare Nights 2.7
Super Mario World: Vanilla Secret 3

I. Eigenartige Platten
1. Sébastien Tellier - Sexual Sportswear
(White-Pink Marbled 12")
2. Mathew Jonson - Real Dreams (Pink Marbled 12")
3. The Red Krayola - Victory Garden (Red Transparent 12")
4. The White Stripes - I Can't Wait (Red 12")
5. März - The River (10")
6. Paul Hindemith - Wir Bauen eine Stadt (One-Sided LP)
II. Closer
1. LCD Soundsystem - New York I Love You, But You're Bringing Me Down
2. Locas in Love - Rosa Mond
3. Bloomfield, Kooper & Stills - Harvey's Tune
4. Supergrass - Fin
5. Vetiver - I Must Be in a Good Place Now
6. The Pink Floyd - Come in Number 51, Your Time Is Up
7. Donnacha Costello - Dry Retch
8. Jason Molina - Let Me Go Let Me Go Let Me Go
9. Kraftwerk - Morgenspaziergang
10. Odawas - Boy in the Yard
11. The Beatles - Good Night
III. Nachtmusik im Radiorausch
1. Moon Soup
2. Radio Jam
IV. DJ-Set
1. Jacques Palminger - Tüdeldub (Peter Presto Remix)
2. Aphex Twin - Nannou
3. Electric Chairs - Barbie Girl (Thomas Fehlmann Remix)
4. Die Gurrenden Truthähne - In Erkelenz Es Karneval
5. I'm Not a Gun - These Thoughts Break
6. Flying Lotus - Massage Situation
7. Leandro Fresco - Cero Uno
V. Morgendubs
1. Lea Klus - Deep Damage II A
2. Pleite - Pleite A
3. Christian Kleine - St. Ouen
4. Matias Aguayo - Bondhi

I. Eigenartige Platten
1. Sébastien Tellier - Sexual Sportswear
(White-Pink Marbled 12")
2. Mathew Jonson - Real Dreams (Pink Marbled 12")
3. The Red Krayola - Victory Garden (Red Transparent 12")
4. The White Stripes - I Can't Wait (Red 12")
5. März - The River (10")
6. Paul Hindemith - Wir Bauen eine Stadt (One-Sided LP)
II. Closer
1. LCD Soundsystem - New York I Love You, But You're Bringing Me Down
2. Locas in Love - Rosa Mond
3. Bloomfield, Kooper & Stills - Harvey's Tune
4. Supergrass - Fin
5. Vetiver - I Must Be in a Good Place Now
6. The Pink Floyd - Come in Number 51, Your Time Is Up
7. Donnacha Costello - Dry Retch
8. Jason Molina - Let Me Go Let Me Go Let Me Go
9. Kraftwerk - Morgenspaziergang
10. Odawas - Boy in the Yard
11. The Beatles - Good Night
III. Nachtmusik im Radiorausch
1. Moon Soup
2. Radio Jam
IV. DJ-Set
1. Jacques Palminger - Tüdeldub (Peter Presto Remix)
2. Aphex Twin - Nannou
3. Electric Chairs - Barbie Girl (Thomas Fehlmann Remix)
4. Die Gurrenden Truthähne - In Erkelenz Es Karneval
5. I'm Not a Gun - These Thoughts Break
6. Flying Lotus - Massage Situation
7. Leandro Fresco - Cero Uno
V. Morgendubs
1. Lea Klus - Deep Damage II A
2. Pleite - Pleite A
3. Christian Kleine - St. Ouen
4. Matias Aguayo - Bondhi
rfi - 9. Mai, 04:11